Thursday, June 11, 2009

Weekly Progress

This week has been really busy and I haven't gotten as much done as I'd like to have, but I did happen to finish the tail-light assembly. You can see all the finished details here. I also got my battery, LEDs and sockets today, all of which should fit perfectly. Still waiting on my beefy 42 LED cluster head-light but that's ok, there's always more to do...

One such task is the dash/top-end of the bike. I got one of my three gauges so I've been playing with cardboard to mockup how they will mount in a kind of dash display. This part has to be really cool since the focus is right here while riding, so I'm taking some time to sketch up some ideaas this weekend.

I also put together the designs for the brass plates I'll be electro-etching with copper sulfate. I've added the brass color for effect, but basically all the black will be "eaten" away by the chemical process leaving a cool 3D effect. I used high-rez photos of gears to make it seem like there's inner workings inside the bike. I've never done anything like this part before, so it'll be interesting! I'm hopeing to print these out full-scale and tape them to the bike for one more fitting and look-see over the weekend.

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